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Unnumbered X - Patents


U. S. Unnumbered X - Patents

Unfortunately, all but the last of these patents are what are called “x” patents, which most of the time have no real information since most patents prior to 1836 were destroyed in a fire on Dec. 15, 1836. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about these patents. There are no patent drawings available. These are the few coffee roaster X-patents that are known and the A Ransom patent is the only X patent with text and drawing.


3,185X - Mar. 20, 1820 - Coffee Roaster

4,150X - Wiliamson Peregrine - Jun. 18, 1825 Machine for roasting coffee

7,936X - A Ransom - Dec. 31, 1833 - Roasting Coffee
This is the only X - Patent listed

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