Original directions supplied when you bought this roaster in 1881. They were purchased almost a year before I bought the actual U. S. Patent coffee roaster.
To make a cup of fine coffee, get a good sound green coffee of whatever kind you prefer, roast it in small quantities (a pound or two at a time, so as to have it fresh) in the Family Coffee Roaster as that keeps it in constant motion, roasts it evenly, does not burn it, and prevents waste of strength and aroma. When the berries assume a rich chestnut brown color, it is done. To prepare for the table, an ordinary tin coffee-pot is as good as any other; have the pot perfectly clean, put a heaping tablespoonful of ground coffee into the pot for each person to be served, and another for the pot This is the rule if the persons are great coffee drinkers, but if not, then half or three fourths as much. Add to this dry ground coffee, one-fourth to one third of the white of an egg, share it up thoroughly, and add the amount of boiling water necessary to produce the required number of cups of coffee. Let it boil slowly, so as not to bail over, for two or three minutes, then with a spoon stir down any of the grounds which the boiling has thrown up, and set-the pot on the back of the stove where it will keep just blow the boiling point, and let it steep ten of twenty minutes, or until the meal is ready to be served. To serve cream should be used, but if not at hand, rich boiling hot milk will do though not nearly as good. Fill the cup about one-fourth full of cream, and pour in the coffee which will be of a rich dark brown color and as clear as crystal, until it assumes a rich creamy yellow color sweeten with best granulated sugar and it is ready to drink.
Build a good fire and let it burn down to a glowing bed of red hot coals, before putting the Roaster on the stove thereby securing steady heat (not too strong) that will not smoke and soil the sine.
Put from one to two pounds of green coffee in the Roaster according to quantity required for five of six days use) then attach the base and place it upon the stove after removing the lid. Take hold of the handle in the manner shown in this cut and by turning the wrist from right to left and back
again, the bent shaft inside the sphere will keep the coffee thoroughly agitated, so that it will roast evenly and quickly. Be careful to TURN TIE HANDLE FAR ENOUGH each way so the bent shaft will strike the stops and cause the sphere to tilt or turn over, from side to side. It will require from eight to twelve minutes to make the roast according to quantity of coffee and strength of fire.
To ascertain the condition of the roast slip the brass fastening towards the handle and remove the sphere from the base and off the stove. The slide fastening can then be operated with a knife or fork and the door opened wide so as to admit light or the removal of a table-spoonful for examination. Give the Roaster a vigorous shake, as soon as detached from the base when examining the roast, so as to prevent the hot metal sphere from burning the coffee.
The popping of the berries in the sphere is an indication that the coffee is sufficiently roasted. When thoroughly roasted the berries will be of a warm chestnut brown in color, and will have lost sixteen percent In weight and gained fifty percent in bulk. When thoroughly roasted the berries will be of a rich chestnut brown in color, and will have lost sixteen percent in weight and gained fifty percent in bulk. When roasted, the coffee should be removed from the sphere as quickly as possible and thrown on a paper or into a shallow, open vessel, and spread thinly, so as to cool quickly. When cooled it can be returned to the sphere (which can be hung up by the handle) or to some air tight vessel, as it deteriorates by exposure to the air and is liable, to be injured by absorbing the
odor of other substances.
The highest excellence in any coffee exists when it is fresh, hence small roasts are better than large ones. Good sound coffee roasted in the manner described above in the FAMILY COFFEE ROASTER will be found incomparably superior and nearly or quite or quite twenty per-cent cheaper than the same grade bought ready-roasted from stock usually kept for sale in retail stores.
Never leave the Roaster on the stove for a moment, without turning the shaft as the coffee will be certain to burn. It is also liable to burn when removing it from the Roaster, unless handled expeditiously. The thinness of the sphere affords little protection from the heat of the fire. As little time is required for roasting you should give it your entire attention during the operation.
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