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J. W. Carter 1846 "pull-out"

James W. Carter, of Boston, was granted a United States patent in 1846 on his “pull-out” roaster; and this was the machine most generally employed for trade roasting in America for the next twenty years. Carter did not claim to have invented the combination of cylindrical roaster and furnace; but he did claim priority for the combination, with the furnace and roasting vessel, of the air space, or chamber, surrounding it, “the same being for the purpose of preventing the too rapid escape of heat from the furnace when the air chamber’s induction and eduction air openings or passages are closed.” The Carter “pull-out,” was so called because the roasting cylinder of sheet iron was pulled out from the furnace on a shaft supported by standards, to be emptied or to be refilled from sliding doors in its “sides.” It was in use for many years in such old-time plants as that of Dwinell-Wright Company, 25 Haverhill Street. Boston; by James H. Forbes and William Schotten in St. Louis; and by D.Y. Harrison in Cincinnati. The picture of a roasting room with Carter machines in operation, reproduced here, recalled to George S. Wright, the present head of the Dwinell-Wright Company’s business, the scene as he saw it so many times when, as a boy of ten or twelve, he occasionally spent a day in his father’s factory. “The only difference I notice,” he wrote the author, “is that, according to my recollection, there was no cooler box to receive the roasted coffee, which was dumped on the floor where it was spread out three or four inches deep with iron rakes and sprinkled with a watering pot. The contact of water and hot coffee caused so much stea.

Roasters that I own.

6, 345 - T. R. Wood - Apr. 17,1849

7, 329 - Trissler & Brecht - April 30, 1850

21,845 - C. J. C. Peterson - Oct. 19, 1858

24,024 - J. D. Harrington - May 17, 1859

41,436 - E. J. Hyde - Feb. 2, 1864

50,878 - C. A. Mills - Nov. 7, 1865

53,148 - F. Humphrey - March 13, 1865

88,612 - L. B. Crittenden - April 6, 1869

N. Linden - 1870

21,292 - Daniel D. Martin - Nov. 28, 1871

127, 654 - I. C. Smith - June 4, 1872

248,986 - G. A. Beidler - Nov. 1, 1881

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